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The Mediator project plays a pioneering role in the increasing realization that expertise on and AI for human factors must be incorporated better in self-driving car technology. The next generation of intelligent vehicle will have many self-driving capabilities, but require also a human driver. This requires "mediation" to allow for safe and comfortable transitions of control, and appropriate collaboration between automation and the human driver during a certain mode of automation. These correspond to new challenges for supporting the driver in his or her changing driving task. The Mediator project develops prototype methods and systems for these challenges, focusing in particular on SAE automation levels 2, 3, and 4.


In the project, Cygnify leads work on developing and integrating AI components for driver monitoring, (semi-)automated driving, and advanced human-machine interfaces. The work is done in close collaboration with both leading European research institutes on human factors, and leading industry partners developing self-driving car software and hardware and OEMs; bringing these fields together in a unique way. The consortium of partners, coordinated by Dutch traffic safety research institute SWOV, was awarded EU Horizon2020 Research & Innovation funding aimed at bringing Europe's best innovations to the market.

For more information about the Mediator project see the official Mediator website


Contact us for more information about our work in Mediator.

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